Myths & Research
Have you heard statements like "Annie isn't advanced enough to use a high-tech device" or "It would be better to wait 6 months before trying a communication device with Mrs. Leman?" Use these resources to bust AAC myths! Also included is information about key research that informed the creation of Compass pagesets.
Common Myths about the Use of AAC
No AAC if Some Speech Myth
AAC can be appropriate for individuals who have some speech but are unable to express all of their wants, needs, and ideas.
The Story of Core
A brief history of core word strategies and the new Core in Compass software.
Stroke & Brain Injury Persona
Remediation and Compensation
Weissling and Prentice begin a conversation about addressing both recovery of speech and development of new forms of communication throughout the rehabilitation process.
Drawing in Aphasia
Sacchett describes how drawing can be used interactively to support communication.
Frequently Asked Questions